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Home >> Transport & Storage >> Spar storage with mast down
I’ve just bought some foam blocks and am going to try to find some forms that would achieve a tent-ridge effect on the cover with the spars. I’m on racks at Gurnard and there’s little space to lift the bow - so it needs some help... I’ll post if i have success... 👍

27/02/2019 22:29:00
Posts: 2
Hi Clive,
Congratulations and welcome to the RS Aero Class!

In the early days some people considered the Laser style spar holder but with experience it was deemed not necessary.

The gooseneck pin is designed to fold up in line with the lower mast. Do this on lowering the mast each time to avoid danger of scratching and also to fit it inside the spar bag.

The gooseneck pin is also designed for the boom to positively click into it, avoiding it accidentally falling off and dropping onto the deck.

Lower the first part of the mainsail in a controlled manner to avoid dropping the boom tip down onto the daggerboard, if that is on the cockpit floor. It is unlikely to scratch, but it might.

With the spars laid down the middle of the boat, the cover straps pulled tight and the bow slightly raised there will be no pooling of water on top of the cover. You could leave the spars resting on top of your spar bag, not a big issue though.
Dropping the mast routinely is good for avoiding the danger of the featherweight RS Aero blowing over in storms and UV on the mast (although we don't suffer as much from UV, due to the spars being impregnated rather than coated).

For travel we have the RS Aero spar bag. If you rest the boom on top of the bag and wrap the bag around it it makes a nice cylinder shape and you can leave the mainsheet all tied on. You can actually wrap the bag around the lower mast too, whilst leaving the outhaul and kicker also attached (just pulled slack) for a quick rig next time! Avoiding de-rigging those controls also leaves it all nicely attached, meaning that you wont lose them out the back on the motorway!
Here's a movie... 

18/02/2019 13:49:00
Peter Barton
Posts: 5001
Hi Clive
Welcome to the fleet. I always store the mast(split) and boom in the boat, just lay from the stern, this does not scratch the carbon, and prevents uv issues. 

18/02/2019 12:17:00
Posts: 58
Hi everyone. New to the Aero class and a proud new owner. Just wondering how people store the mast parts and boom in their boats in the dinghy park with the mast down. With my Laser I am used to the convenience of the 5 capacity spar Lazy Bones thing to lay them neatly and keep the cover elevated as well. I know they are not aluminium but worry about scratching hull with the spars just laying loose. 

17/02/2019 20:07:00
Posts: 9

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