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Home >> Class Rules - Queries & Suggestions >> Can I attach a small loop of string under the strap that goes through the sail downhaul cringle
No problem dropping sails - that's why I stated slip knot in the halliard. Just uncleat and pull and the pulley detaches, similarly with current arangement. I quite often drop the sail to come into a lee shore (concrete bank to reservoir that gets deep very quickly so well aware of the need to not impede sail dropping). However I'll revert to the old style until I can find a route that is legal to help the sail get past the end of bolt rope and end of track issue.

29/09/2021 14:57:00
Posts: 173
I would also expect that would not allow you to drop your sail in an emergency very easily if a storm hits (e.g. last day of Australia Worlds, for those who were there-you know!)

Why not attach a length of elastic to the downhaul blocks and then a hook to the other end to attach to the halyard when it is fixed in the bottom cleat? That way you attach to about the same point and can still safely drop your sail in an emergency.

28/09/2021 01:02:00
Simon Wilkins
Posts: 21
Hi Gareth

Thanks for the pictures.  I am sorry but your proposal is not within the Class Rules and is not in accordance with the Rigging Mannual. You are not permitted to put anything through the Cunningham cringle of the sail except the primary cunningham line. 

The reason for not permitting this is that it is open to abuse.  You may be aware that some classes, like the OK, Finn etc allow inhauls at tack and cunningham points.  These can affect the luff shape of the sail.  This is not something that we want to risk occuring.

The phylosophy of the Designer and Class has always been to keep things simple. 


Happy sailing

27/09/2021 16:47:00
David Rickard
Posts: 70
Photo's attached. If the small string loop is not allowed plan would be to use a small toggle to pass through the eyelet instead of the (preferred) clip. I can't see why the proposed arrangement is any less legal than the current usage which has been common for years.

27/09/2021 12:30:00
Posts: 173
This thread really needs some pictures of what's proposed and/or what's not allowed

08/09/2021 00:13:00
Simon Wilkins
Posts: 21
The problem is getting the very end of the bolt rope through the metal track end. To be fully released it needs to get past this but the extra strching at the end makes it a tight spot. Works fine below this and above this using the bolt ropes elasticity but it won't easily pas this point. With a little extra elastic to help it does. We've all (most) had elastic to help the pulleys release for ages but I can't see why it would not be legal to attach this elastic to the cringle any more than adding elastic to help the outhaul release. I don't see why this is different. 

07/09/2021 09:12:00
Posts: 173
While I can't comment on the legality question (other than "that's what the rules say"), I'm interested to understand the problem that you're trying to solve.

The downhaul operates against the natural elasticity of the luff of the sail (which isn't very elastic) and the desire of the mast to be straight (which is quite a strong desire). I wouldn't have thought an elastic is going to add much to what is already there to release the downhaul.

If you're having trouble with this, perhaps there's a different problem that needs to be solved - could your luff be getting caught where it enters the mast track?

In my own experience, the downhaul releases fine with just an elastic acting on the pulley.

Of course I may have completely missed your point - apologies if that's the case.


06/09/2021 14:19:00
Posts: 46
So how is it legal to have an elastic to help release the pulleys but not legal to attach that elastc to the sail. I'm confused how one piece of elastic is legal and the other not.

06/09/2021 09:07:00
Posts: 173
I would assume, that it is allowed without any change at the sail to guide an elastic in the cringle of the cunningham and attach it at one of the exisitng fixtures at the mast.

I believe, that this can be helpful in low wind conditions.

04/09/2021 20:41:00
Michael Heber
Posts: 70
Hi Gareth

Sorry.  No. The cunningham must be rigged as shown in the Rigging Mannual.  Only the cunningham primary line can go through the cringle

Have agood weekend

04/09/2021 12:05:00
David Rickard
Posts: 70
OK but presumably elastic through it with a toggle or hook would be OK.

02/09/2021 23:35:00
Posts: 173
Hi Gareth

Hope you are having a good season

Sorry but the answer is NO you can't attach a loop to the sail cringle.

Keep well

01/09/2021 19:07:00
David Rickard
Posts: 70
Can I attach a small loop of string under the strap that goes through the sail downhaul cringle - I want to attach my downhaul release elastic to the sail with a clip. Easiest if I have a small loop of string there. If not I'll just change to a toggle on the end ofthe elastic. I want to not just release the pulleys but actively pull the sail up a bit. I have elastic going from the upper double block (as many people do) up via a loop in the halyard above the lower cleat and back down to the cringle. Helps the sail past the awkward bolt rope at the end of the track point.

31/08/2021 00:56:00
Posts: 173

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