Welcome to the International Class Association website for the RS Aero. Here you will find all there is to know about the RS Aero including the latest news, how to register your boat, and links to relevant documents.

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Home >> Class Rules - Queries & Suggestions >> Looking after your wetted area vs Class Rules
Thanks Ron
Please everyone note the Class Rules, including C.6.1.2, and C.6.1.3 (a).  Wet or dry sanding or Fariing of the hull, appendages and anything else is prohibitied.  Pollishing only is permitted but use of any cutting compound or other abrasive or any prolonged pollishing that "fairs" is NOT Permitted.
Happy sailling everyone

02/06/2020 19:40:00
David Rickard
Posts: 70
Hi David Rickard, Could you please advise on this, including recent discussion on FB post https://www.facebook.com/groups/rsaeroclass/permalink/2154308738049033/ Thanks, Ron

02/06/2020 13:42:00
RonF 'Delphine'
Posts: 33

RS Sailing


RS Aero International Class Association
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SO51 9DQ

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