8th Czech RS Aero Cup Series 2024 - Czech RepublicThe 725m Nad Veci at YC Liskovec, Cerna v Posumavi, Lipno on 11/13th Oct was the final event of the 2024 Czech RS Aero season and so concluded the evaluation of the 8th RS Aero Czech Cup for 2024.
Winners of the 8th Czech RS Aero Cup:1st: Dan Guryca
2nd: Honza Hruby
3rd: Brona Mlcoch
This year's special prize went to Jiri Kuthan Jr., who represented the Czech & Slovak RS Aero colours abroad the most this year, for which he deserves a big thank you.
Finally, a necessary thank you to everyone who took care of us on the water and on the shore during the long weekend, the referee, the race director Jiri Kuthan Sr. and all of us, because we showed again that together we can be stronger and better!
Next season we will definitely repeat the joint trainings and we will be happy if our ranks will be expanded by more newcomers, similar to this year.
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