The RS Japan Class Association report on and exciting new initiative regatta bonding the Japanese and South Korean RS sailors;
After a catalyst of exchanges between Japanese and Korean athletes at the 2023 RS Aero World Championships in Sardinia, Italy, the RS Korea Japan Friendship Regatta was held on 6/7th July.
The participants from Korea this time were coach Jinyoung Hong from Seoul Marina Yacht Club, four junior sailors, and their guardians. They arrived on the 5th and enjoyed sunset sailing, participated in the practice (2 races) on the 6th, and had lively conversations with the Japanese members at the evening social party. We have received a donation from the Hayama Town Sailing Association, so we will be presenting them with a Genbei T-shirt (2024 limited edition, Hayama Town version), which we hope will lead to future exchanges with Hayama Town.
There were 32 entries for the regatta on the 7th, including visiting boats from Shimizu Yacht Association, Choshi and Enoshima. In total there were 3 RS Aero 7, 6 RS Aero 6, 9 RS Aero 5, 1 RS100, 2 RS200, 1 RS700, 5 RS Tera, 2 RS Feva, 1 RS Zest, and 1 RS Quest). Athletes who will participate in the RS Aero World Championship held in the UK at the end of August also participated in this regatta, and were in good condition.
Three races were held all with a southerly wind. The wind picked up earlier than expected in the afternoon, and the wind speed picked up and was stable more than expected, so the races lasted about 20 minutes in the bay at Morito Beach.
The first race was 8 knots, and the RS700 was in first place with a good wind, but the RS Aero 5 rider, who skillfully caught the wind, was ranked first after corrected time. RS Tera's Hidemi Suzuki finished in first place in the one-lap group. In the second race, the wind picked up to 14 knots, and the RS700 also came in first, but Nakao (RS Aero 6) controlled the strong downwind and took first place in the rating. In the final race, the wind calmed down to 10 knots. Nakao (RS Aero 6) was stable from the start and took the top spot in the rating. Muto (RS Aero 7), who was disappointed to sink in the second race overcame hard sailing and made it to fourth place.
The overall rankings were: 1st place Nakao (RS Aero 6), 2nd place Yukei (RS Aero 5), 3rd place Kamo (RS700), 4th place Suzuki Kazuya (RS Aero 6), and 5th place Sakai (RS Aero 6). Additionally, Kamo won the overall award, Muto won the ladies' award, Yukkai won the U22 award, and Suzuki won the senior division (over 55 years old) award.
The Korean athletes were presented with certificates of commendation from the association for their junior rankings in each class, as well as paper crafts made by association member Yoshida. The Japanese junior athletes were presented with national team shirts that had been autographed by the national team players at the send-off party for the Paris Olympics.
We will continue to work together with Korea to host the RS Aero Asian Championships next year. Thanks to everyone involved for their continued support!
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