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Reports & Results


Windy Warmup - Cerna v Posumavi, Lipno, Czech Republic
31/05/2024 - 02/06/2024


Windy Warmup - Cerna v Posumavi, Lipno, Czech Republic, 31 May - 2 June

13 Czech RS Aeros turned out for the early season 'Windy Warmup' 725m above sea level on Lake Lipno alongside the RS700s.
Congratulations to Daniel Guryca on a solid win. Jan Hruby took 2nd and Sylvia Mrazova finished in 3rd.

Full Report thanks to Marcela Sormova
We have finished this year's Windy Point Regatta 2024 (for us in a non-standard "warm" term instead of autumn, but again together with RS700).

"From Friday to Sunday, Windypoint Regata 2024 was ridden in Lipno. At the start we welcomed into our ranks several newcomers from Czechia and Slovakia. So, 13 Rs Aeros gathered in total.
On Friday, the weather conditions were not very pleasant, the wind was in the range of 2-4 m/s, only 1 start was able to leave, and that was only in the evening hours. After the first day, Dan Guryca took the lead. In order to not be too fancy, the following day race director Jirka Kuthan decided to announce a special prize for the one who overtakes the reigning Master at least once. On Saturday, encouraged by the challenge of Mr. director, the racers went for a nice 4 times in a stable 4-6 m/s wind. Motivation worked, the hunt for the Master was successful. However, Dan retained the leading position after Saturday's slaughter, followed by Jan and Peter. On Sunday, the wind was even more favourable, 6-9 m/s. The racers managed to finish 4 laps again. Although it could be said that the order differs much from other races, it must be noted that it was not so clear in many races. At times, centimetres and seconds deciding on the finish line.

The title of Czech Master in the RS Aero ship class for 2024 will be taken from Lipno Dan Guryca, followed by 2. in Jan Hruby, on 3. Sylvia Mrazova.

On the organisational side, the race was very well secured, as it is a habit here. Thank you, Jirko. We also thank all the judges, who made the fun with us with minimal sun, but in rain. Looking forward to the next year.

Another important addition - the newcomers definitely didn't get lost in the starting field and we are glad they came among us. We hope to see them in future races too. "

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RS Aero Czech Class Website


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