Royal YC Belgium Spring Cup - Scharendijke aan de Grevelingen, Netherlands, 20/21 April
Summary by Vincent Viool;Heroes of the storm - the last three standing!
With extreme wind conditions the RS Aeros took to the water of Scharendijke, NL, for the annual Royal Yacht Club of Belgium Springcup.
In these windy conditions Anouck, Joppe and Kobe took the podium. Many congrats to all sailors that challenged these conditions. The youth has the future and, event by event, dominates the Netherland and Belgian fleet in a beautiful way.
If you want to know more about the RS Aero activity in the Netherlands and Belgium, send an email:
[email protected]. And we'll introduce you to this wonderful modern racing dinghy.
Next for the Belgian and Dutch RS Aero sailors is the
United 4 Sailing Regatta at Workum, Netherlands, on 27/28 AprilResults