Regate de Club - AAN Port Blanc, Bretagne, France, 13 Auot
Until the last minute, the organization hesitated to cancel the event due to the large swell and heavy winds announced. Finally, sailors have been able to run three races.
At the end of race one, a strongest gust of 29 knots was reported to the local anemo. This damaged part of the fleet: a broken mast on a laser, a boom broken on a 420, and some abandoned.
In the end, Ludovic Roblin won the race in his RS Aero 7. Benoit Radier completed the podium at the third place, also in an RS Aero 7. In this RS Aero 5, Olivier Dewez ends 9th.
In RS Feva, Antoine Picel and Henry Dewez ends 4. Maxime Picel and Jacques Dewez are 12.