Viridian Firecracker Regatta and RS Aero Texas State Champs - Viridian Sailing Centre, Dallas, TX, USA
24/06/2023 - 25/06/2023
Viridian Firecracker Regatta and RS Aero Texas State Champs
Viridian Sailing Centre, Dallas, TX, USA
June 24/25
23 RS Aeros from six different clubs competed at the Firecracker Regatta Regatta at Viridian in Dallas, USA, in the RS Aero 5,7 and 9 rigs. Heat and 15-20 mph winds made for a challenging yet exciting event this year!
Some of the less experienced racers were slowed down by capsizes from the strong gusts. Fastest sailer of the regatta was Hank Saurage from Pelican Club in Batton Rouge, Louisiana, who has competed in every Firecracker since this started in 2017, winning more than a few!
Second place was won by Eddie Lockney from the Corinthian Sailing club and our Viridian sailer, Long Ta, took third place. Long also won 2nd place in the RS Aero 5 division. Other Viridian winners were Stephen Coward (RS Aero 9-2nd) Magdalena Chavez (RS Aero 5- 3rd) and Rhodes Murphy (RS Aero 7-3rd).
Much thanks goes to Craig Haines for organizing the event, along with the help of many volunteers, including his lovely wife Linda, son Ryan, Magdalena and Joaquin Chavez, Emily Rhodes, Dacia Ta, Jen Dart, Jennifer Wilhelm, Carrie Hatfield, Joan Lucas, Missy Smith, and to our commodore, Rachel Coward, and our racing PRO, Jason Adams.
Summary by the Race Officer Jason Adams;
"I enjoyed the opportunity to serve as PRO for the regatta. It was a great weekend. Winds were great for the entire weekend and gave an opportunity to run the Gold Cup course. I want to thank all of the competitors for coming to the regatta and Viridian Sailing Center for hosting."
Ryan Haines Photography for the full selextion
USA Gallery for larger photos
1st - Hank Saurage
2nd - Eddie Lockey
3rd - Long Ta
RS Aero 5
1st - Eddie Lockey
2nd - Long Ta
3rd - Magdalena Chavez
RS Aero 7
1st - Hank Saurage
2nd - Doug Peckover
3rd - Rhodes Murphey
RS Aero 9
1st - Jack Hattendorf
2nd - Stephen Coward