Melbourne YC Fall Small Boat Regatta - Florida, USA, Oct 17/18
Several RS Aeros competed at Melbourne Yacht Club, Florida, this past weekend in their Fall One Design Regatta.
Sailors had a blast on the water with high winds 13-15+ knots all day. It was an awesome day of sailing and they were happy to have been able to race. MYC and their Race Committee ran an excellent regatta.
Bob Patterson, RS Aero 7 #2404, reports;
Conditions were quite sporty. 4 races, 2x Triangle twice around, then WL x2 and a final 2 triangles. Mixed it up with the lasers at the start and first beat, but left them on the reaches. A little closer on the runs.
Photos thanks to Jack Rachek of the Embry-Riddle Sailing Team.
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