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CZECH RS AEROCUP, Lake Lipno, Czech Republic 11/09/2020 - 13/09/2020
CZECH RS AEROCUP, Lake Lipno, Czech Republic, 11-13 Sept
Thanks to Jorn Domres for his summary report;
A very nice event that deserved more participants from other countries, unfortunately that was not possible because of Covid 19.
We were a total of 13 participants from Germany and the Czech Republic.
Everything was well organised with a professional regatta management. Despite the high pressure weather, they always found phases in which valid races could be held. In bright sunshine and 24'C we managed 6 races in three days. For this event 'PY' time correction was used in the mixed RS Aero fleet and rig sizes were allowed to be changed daily.
The subsequent after-sails with free beer, camaraderie and the parties in the club house hangar and camping rounded off the event.