North Rhein Westfalia Regional Champs - Sorpesee, Germany, 2/3 November
Thanks to Gunther Nulle for his report on the first regional North Rhein Champs in Germany;
At the end of the season, the regional championship of the RS Aero class took place at the Kanu Segel Club Hemer. 15 sailors had entered. On the Friday before some RS Aeros met for a general group training.
Saturday started very rainy. Luckily, the rain stopped for the first start. But the wind freshened up to a force 6 wind and demanded everything from the athletes with goof tewchnique andfitness rewarded!
When the forecast predicted gusts up to force 8, the race director, Gunther Nulle, sent the field into the harbour early. On Sunday, a moderate wind blew, so that all scheduled races could be sailed.
Overall winner with five day wins Eric Rieve from Berlin and the North Rhein Westfalia Regional Championship was won by Leon Margale from SCS Iserlohn.
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