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8th RS Aero World Championship - Blairgowrie YS, Victoria, Australia, Jan 2027
23/01/2025 17:43:00
8th RS Aero World Championship
Blairgowrie Yacht Squadron, Victoria, Australia
January 2027
A thorough process by the Australian RS Aero Class invited bids to host the 8th RS Aero World Championship in Australia in 2027 and produced excellent bids from four great clubs across three Austalian states.
Blairgowrie Yacht Squadron at the southern end of Port Phillip Bay in Victoria was selected as host and the rapidly growing RS Aero fleet there, together with all the Australian RS Aero Class, are excited to welcome RS Aero sailors from around the World to their idyllic location! The dates will be early January in 2027, 18 months after the 7th RS Aero World Champs in Quiberon France this summer where a large Australian team is set to compete.
Announcement Video