Welcome to the International Class Association website for the RS Aero. Here you will find all there is to know about the RS Aero including the latest news, how to register your boat, and links to relevant documents.
18/03/2021 09:19:41 RS Aero Adventure Norway from North to South
Magne Klann embarked on a challenge to sail from Norway’s most northern point, deep inside the Arctic Circle, to the most southern tip! He covered over 1000 nautical miles in 48 days surrounded by beautiful landscapes, camping and fishing as he went.
Magne chose the RS Aero as his companion and RS Sailing caught up with his story. Read about it HERE.
There is a brief account with a timeline and photos on the Class Forum HERE.
Check out his incredible video below.
Snow covered mountains, 71' North, -2'C Air, 4'C Water and beautiful blue skies!