RS Aero TopTips2020 Series
19/06/2020 10:54:50RS Aero TopTips2020 Series Already the series has over 70 TopTips from 60 contributors, representing 12 countries worldwide! A wide spectrum is covered and no two tips are the same, yet it is interesting to weigh up different sailor's perspectives - there is certainly more than one way to win a small sailboat race!
Topics cover the whole spectrum and remain light hearted. With current relevance, safety suggestions and to how to best train alone or in small groups are detailed, whilst our infrastructure remains restricted. Technique, newcomer guides, Class specifics, weather, rules, trim, tactics, fitness, maintenance and preparation (boat & mind!) are all covered and a re-occurring theme is the importance of having FUN!
The TopTip2020 series is still going strong, who knows where it will take us. There are certainly 101 ways to get it wrong in a small sailboat race, maybe we can find 101 ways to get it right too!
You can check out the whole RS Aero TopTips2020 series on the on the RS Aero Class Website Forum
TopTips2020 section.