INTRODUCING - RS Aero Top Tips 2020
27/03/2020 17:29:13INTRODUCING - RS Aero Top Tips 2020
101 ways to go faster once we get back on the water together!
As we enter unchartered waters worldwide I am sure many of us may have more on our minds than just RS Aero racing. However, with upcoming events cancelled and facing the likely reality of a heavily reduced season ahead we can seek to maintain the Class' huge positive momentum Worldwide that we have built up. We are all entering into varying isolation restrictions, leaving the internet one of our key sources of information and entertainment.
Check the links below for an RS Aero Top-Tip every day or two, offered up from some of our Class' most experienced sailors, title holders, personalities and humourists (maybe all of those!).
Please do post any queries or additional thoughts on the concepts offered by replying to the posts and we can get some good interactive RS Aero Class chat going which will all be retained here and on the Class website forum in a tidy referable library.
Who knows where this will take us. There are certainly 101 ways to get a small sailboat race wrong, maybe we can find 101 ways to get it right too! Hopefully we might be racing again before then....either way, hopefully this will provide a small positive outlet and exercise our minds to see us all better placed at the end of the tunnel and inspired to hit the water again.
Enjoy the TopTips and I hope you are enlightened, inspired and entertained.
See you on the water again soon!