13/04/2015 12:58:41Since its introduction the RS Aero has enjoyed phenomenal spread around the globe as more and more people from different countries join our passion for a better and easier boat to sail!
The updated world map includes locations where RS Aeros are now and are destined for soon. By the start of July, one year after the first delivery, the RS Aero will have spread to 32 countries Worldwide and well over 100 locations in the UK!
Zoom right in to the map on the
Home page for interest and to see where RS Aeros are based near you.
32 countries Worldwide
Adjacent European fleets
It is lucky that the Aero is so light!
31 RS Aeros sailing from at 8 locations in Chichester Harbour by July!
(26 already delivered)
There is a great spread of RS Aeros across Switzerland and adjacent neighbouring countries.
Good coverage already in Norway and Sweden with more deliveries destined to both this month. Fleets are establishing on Tonsberg NOR, Gothenberg SWE and Stockholm SWE