RS Aero UK Adult Coaching
29/10/2021 23:31:00RS Aero UK Adult Coaching
A series of 6 days over the winter at various locations, each geared for beginner, intermediate or advanced racers
Is this coaching for me? -
There will be 6 one day coaching sessions over the winter with different aims and be targeted at different levels of sailor. There will be limited spaces on each coaching.
The first day is at Eastbourne SSC, East Sussex on Sunday 28th November and will be targeted towards intermediate sailors and based around developing your racing knowledge. With some practice on starts, new ideas on holding your speed upwind, development of mark roundings and development of understanding racing rules.
Further days are planned for each group of beginner, intermediate or advanced racers.
Where? -
The location of the trainings will be varied across the country.
When? -
6 sessions over 5 winter months, planned to try not to clash with other key sailing events. Training is planned to take place on Sundays so your whole weekend isn’t taken up by sailing!
Cost? -
The cost of each coaching will be £30 a sailor.
How do I enter? -