RS Aero Cherished Names - June 2019
21/06/2019 12:00:36Your RS Aero deserves a name!
350 happy RS Aeros now have their names recorded on the list! Over 100 new names since the last update!
Many RS Aero owners are coming up with some imaginative names for their beloved craft! This name register is for general interest and to make it possible, although not vital, to avoid repetition.
RS Aero owners can post the names of their Aeros as a reply to the Forum thread here; and they will be added to the periodic updates.
Minimum info is sail number and boat name (but feel free to tell the story if there is one!). You could also post a pic, if you have a nice graphic!
Periodically this list can be updated from the Forum and saved to the Class website documents page. So let your imagination go and post up those names. Your RS Aero deserves a name!