20/11/2015 13:17:07CHERISHED NAMESCherished RS Aero names continue to roll in and we have just reached 100!
Those 100 lucky RS Aeros have their cherished names listed
HERE, helping owners avoid accidental repetition. There are some imaginative ones, do take a look!
To add to that list post the name of your Aero on the Forum thread here;
[Register on the website in the pink box on the left in order to post to the Forum].
Minimum info is sail number and boat name (but feel free to tell the story if there is one!).
You can also post a pic if you have a nice graphic or photo.
Periodically I shall update the list from the Forum.
So let your imagination go and post up a name for your Aero, she deserves it!
Top pic; YES!
Chris, from South Australia, went one further than just a name - he went for full length decals!
He named his boat 'Yes!' in recognition of his delight after first sailing an Aero. "Yes! This is the boat I have been waiting for all my life".
[Boat Signage is now offered by
Sailing Raceboats in Australia]