New fleet of RS Aeros arrive at Chelmarsh
03/11/2014 11:11:52On Saturday an instant fleet of seven RS Aeros were delivered to Chelmarsh SC in Shropshire, with more in the pipeline.
Following on from a successful trial day earlier this year, sailors from around the area along with a number of club members placed orders for this new high tech racing single-hander with RS.
A very excited Rob Fisk Moore, the driving force behind the Aero at Chelmarsh, said this after the trial day back in May;
"A group of very lucky Chelmarsh sailors waited in eager anticipation to sail the Aero. Charlie of RS arrived with two boats and two launching trollies on his roof. In less than half an hour the boats were rigged. The boats were lifted in disbelief that a fully rigged boat could be so light. It weighs 30kg, less than an Optimist. This is why the boat is so fast. No road trailer is required. I was lucky to have the first go in the 9 rig which py is suggested 1025-1035, faster than a Finn at 1050 or a laser at 1088. Even the 5 rig is faster than a full rig laser. That is aimed at a junior sailor. One boat can fit the whole family with a change of rig. The boat accerates quickly but is very manageable. All the controls or gears really do work! Up wind the boat will plane when sailed free! Off wind you must try it! It is mind blowing! There has been over three years of careful development and it shows in the prototypes. The other rig is the 7 rig which is aimed at ladies and the smaller gentleman. Every one who had a sail came back with a big smile and a grin of ecstatic joy."
Well the waiting is over and the lucky new owners got to play with their shiny new toys over the weekend! The conditions were perfect for a shake down sail to get used to the new boats. Check out the pictures in the gallery
If you are interested in giving the boat a try at Chelmarsh there is a further demo day on Saturday November 22nd, all local sailors interested in the Aero are welcome, to book your slot go to There is also race training, free of charge, on the day with Peter Barton for all new Aero sailors. Club racing on the Sunday [23rd] is open to any local Aero sailor who would like to join in, also free of charge. Why not come along, try the Aero and see the great facilities Chelmarsh has to offer.
For further information contact -
[email protected].