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Home >> Transport & Storage >> Transporting Aero in a pick-up truck?
Thanks for those great pictures. I was thinking along the lines of the Florida example with the beach dolly so I could deploy the boat alone. When I figure it out, I'll post a picture, too. Can't wait for my boat!

24/02/2017 21:21:47
Posts: 24
Hi Megan,
You would need to check the legal limits in the US - and does it vary by state too?
There is likely a limit before you need a lighting board attached, number plate maybe and/or a warning hazard sign.
Even if it was legal, if you had over 8' hanging out the back it sounds precarious.
Can you get a rack so it can go over the cab ?

17/02/2017 23:59:05
Peter Barton
Posts: 5001
Has anyone has transported their Aero in a Toyota Tundra? The truck bed is only 5'9'' and that means a lot of the boat would hang out the back. Just wondering if it's feasible at all.

17/02/2017 19:15:10
Posts: 24

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