Broadwater SC RS Aero Open - Middlesex, UK
Broadwater SC RS Aero Open - Middlesex, UK, Saturday 14th June
RS Aero Thames Valley Mini Series
Broadwater Sailing Club is situated on a beautiful tree lined lake, accessibly located just to the west of London.
Racing will be in a pursuit race format between the RS Aero Classes, enabling all rig sizes to compete together.
Online Entry, NOR & SIs:
Entry Fee: £
First Race:
Format: A pursuit race format between the different RS Aero Classes.
Remember to rinse boats, trolleys and kit between venues, lift share where possible and use re-usable water bottles.
Broadwater SCBroadwater Lake, off Moorhall Road, Harefield, Middlesex UB9 6PD
Contact: David Cherrill
The Club is within 10 minutes drive of Junction 1 of the M40 or Junctions 16 and 17 of the M25.
Access to the club is down a track from Moorhall Road, opposite The Bear on the Barge pub. Use that for your SatNav, not Broadwater.
Beware of the speed bumps and potholes down the track. Allow plenty time to drive slowly - about 5 mins.