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Home >> Top Tips >> TopTip2020 #62 - Sailing as a Student - by Sam Blaker, GBR
TopTip2020 #62 
Sailing as a Student 
by Sam Blaker, GBR 
Sam Blaker is a member of the Rooster RS Aero UK Youth Team and was the fastest (PY corrected) of 148 competitors on GPS speed at the super breezy Tiger Trophy in February in his RS Aero 5. As a student & keen cyclist he gives his perspective on managing his sailing and exercise time, alongside his studies;
' Sailing as a Student
Fitting around school work
As students it can be difficult to get out on the water and do the sport we love during the week due to school work and other commitments. Therefore, I prioritise my weekends for getting out on the water competing or for training.
During weekends that I am not competing, I will try to focus on a specific aspect that I want to improve for example tacking, gybing or boat speed. I will try to train alone or with a few other RS Aeros at my club on Saturday to practice on a specific skill and will practice this during club racing on Sunday.
After school and once I have completed any school work I will try to perform some sort of fitness that will help me when sailing. These activities will include weight training, focussing on the main muscles that are used in sailing such as the quadricep muscles and also some aerobic exercise such as cycling. Cycling is a great way to maintain fitness levels when not on the water as they focus on the leg muscles which are important when hiking. Cycling is an endurance sport and therefore increases muscular endurance which is incredibly important during major events where you will be competing for over a week.
It is also important to have rest days too, in which your body can recover and adapt to the demands you have put on it. This extra work will improve your fitness considerably and improve your results on the water! '

04/06/2020 23:57:00
Peter Barton
Posts: 4727

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