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Home >> Top Tips >> TopTip2020 #49 - Transitioning Up to the RS Aero - Abby Hire, GBR
TopTip2020 #49
Transitioning Up to the RS Aero
by Abby Hire, GBR

Transitioning up to the RS Aero from an RS Tera, Topper, Bic or Opti has its challenges and rewards for any aspiring young sailor. The increased responsibility can be an excellent lesson in itself. Abby Hire has recently taken on that challenge and explains her experiences;

' Transitioning Up to the RS Aero
Having recently moved from the RS Tera to the RS Aero, I have a couple of top tips from transitioning between the two classes;
  1. Given that the RS Aero is so light, fast reactions are key as the boat can speed up and slow down very quickly. Therefore, it is important in heavy winds to not pinch too high otherwise you might significantly slow down if you hit waves. You also need to be more aware of the waves downwind as the RS Aero can sail faster than the waves. It is essential to pick your path downwind through the waves and the RS Aero's agility enables this, rather than trying to punch through them.
  2. Because the RS Aero's carbon mast bends much more than the aluminium RS Tera mast, you need a lot more kicker than you expect to flatten the top of the sail. This is even more important because the top of the sail is squared off and, therefore, carries much more power. I have found upgrading to a tapered kicker allows me to pull more kicker on than I could before.
  3. Despite the rig size being similar to the Tera Pro, the taller mast increases the leverage of the boat. Therefore, you have to hike a lot harder to keep the boat flat. So fitness is a much more important factor in sailing fast and you are rewarded for your effort.
  4. The performance epoxy carbon hull of an RS Aero is much lighter than the plastic hull of the Tera and needs more respect, meaning 'Avoid Collisions At All Costs' is vital to keep everyone (especially parents) happy!
  5. Being part of the RS Aero National Youth Team has been really useful to get accustomed to adapting my racing skills to the RS Aero fleet. The socials are also great, making the whole experience really enjoyable. '
Photo by Ben Rolfe
RS Aero UK Youth Championships, Rutland, UK, July 2019
50 RS Aeros, including 40 RS Aero 5s at the 2019 Youth Champs

17/05/2020 23:58:00
Peter Barton
Posts: 4740

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